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  • Writer's picturekatrice horsley

The Wildling's Path

Hello lovely humans, I am inviting subscribers to my Substack to be part of a free 4 session course. It takes the form of the book that I am writing and the work that I have been doing for the past 40 years.

During our time together I will offer a special sharing of fairytales, making, rituals and reflections. This will be supported by some of the science around story and what benefits it offers us. I have found that stitching, science and story is a rather alchemical process. (You do not need to be able to sew well at all - glue and tying and knotting and the use of elastic bands is all great too.)

Whilst together we will start to unravel and make sense of the tangled threads of story that create us. Choose those we wish to spin together as a holding thread of identity (our Wildling Self.) Identify how we wish these to manifest in our external life and start making our way towards it, stitch by stitch.

I am holding this space to support us as we hunker down for the winter. 
I am holding this space to help us tend to our roots and find solace and comfort in the shadows. 
I am holding this space so we can find nourishment, meaning and trust for the growth we wish to seed and nurture.
I am holding this space to give space
To give space to you.

The course will take place over four Sundays and each session will last for 2 hours. The time will be between 7 - 9pm GMT. The dates are:

September 29th

October 6th

October 13th

October 20th

If you are interested in attending and want more details (and are a subscriber) please email me at and I will put you on the list.

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